Dana Dorman – THATCamp National Council on Public History 2011 http://ncph2011.thatcamp.org The Humanities and Technology Camp Thu, 07 Apr 2011 18:22:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 TEI, Apps, Interactive Content http://ncph2011.thatcamp.org/03/23/tei-apps-interactive-content/ Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:40:56 +0000 http://ncph2011.thatcamp.org/?p=94

I am coordinating a new digital history project where we’ll be digitizing, transcribing, and annotating about 300 primary source documents to tell the story of a large local bank that failed in the early years of the Great Depression. We’re coding our documents in XML following TEI guidelines, and are planning to create contextual essays and teacher resources as well.

I’d be very interested to hear about how other history projects are using TEI, incorporating interactive features along with “expert” voices, or using crowdsourcing transcription. I’d also like to learn more about creating digital resources with teachers in mind and how people are tailoring web content for smartphones/tablets, etc.
